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Getting to Know RecruitiFi
Questions that may be asked during platform evaluation.
What is RecruitiFi?
What is RecruitiFi Used For?
How is RecruitiFi different from other vendor management systems?
Can RecruitiFi be used for hourly or temp hires?
What is the value for agencies to join RecruitiFi?
How do new agencies learn about our company, culture, and positions?
Are Certain Locations, Industries, or Roles Better Suited for RecruitiFi?
What is the candidate experience with RecruitiFi?
What results should we expect with RecruitiFi?
What is the fill rate?
Is live support included?
How does RecruitiFi manage the quality of the candidates?
How does RecruitiFi make money?
What are the steps to activate a RecruitiFi account?
If I don’t have easy access to my company’s agency contracts how do I best assemble that list for RecruitiFi?
How Are Colleagues Onboarded and Trained?
What are Seats and is a limit or cost for Seats?
What are the steps to ensure all preferred agencies join the RecruitiFi platform?
What should I communicate with my colleagues and hiring managers?
Can I Port Job Requisitions from My ATS to RecruitiFi?
Why are only the hired candidates completing their application in the ATS?
How much time and effort does it take to set up RecruitiFi with our ATS?
Is there a cost to set up RecruitiFi with our ATS?
How is candidate ownership managed?
What is the guarantee period?
What are the RecruitiFi terms?
What is the duration of the Terms and can we cancel?
How long are we tied into a contract with RecruitiFi?
Do We Sign a Contract?
How Does RecruitiFi Prevent Agencies from Poaching Our Employees?
What security measures does RecruitiFi use to store and process personal and financial data?
Can I Negotiate Individual Terms with Agencies?
Do You Have an Information Security Policy?
Is RecruitiFi GDPR Compliant?
Why add my preferred agencies to the RecruitiFi platform?
How Are My Preferred Agencies Onboarded and Trained?
Is there a limit or cost to add preferred agencies to the RecruitiFi platform?
What if a vendor does not want to sign up?
What is the fee for placements from my preferred agencies?
Can I Use Agencies Outside of the RecruitiFi Platform?