Once a candidate is selected for hire, you can log the hire from the Offers stage by clicking the “Hire” button. You’ll be prompted to complete a form with the following hire details:
Start Date
The date the candidate starts working. The 60-day guarantee period begins on this date.
Total First-Year Compensation
This includes all guaranteed compensation for the first year, such as bonuses, commissions, relocation expenses, etc.
Primary Work Location
Enter the country, zip code, and state (if applicable). This helps us determine whether taxes apply to the hire.
JobCast Status (Open/Closed)
If you're hiring more than one candidate for the JobCast, keep it open. If only one hire is made, you can close the JobCast. Closing it will disposition all in-process candidates.
Invoice Memo (Optional)
You can add a memo to the invoice if needed.
Cost Center
If your company uses multiple cost centers, choose the one that will receive the invoice. You can set a default cost center when creating the JobCast.
Variable Fee
If your preferred agency has different fees for different jobs, select the fee applicable to this hire. Choose the fee percentage and include any relevant notes.
Once the hire is logged, the submitting recruiter will receive an email notification, which includes information about their forthcoming payout.