Universal Terms
Many employers and agencies ask RecruitiFi to modify specific terms or sign amendments that only apply to their organization. However, like most large online services, RecruitiFi operates with a single, universal click-through agreement that applies to all users—both agencies and employers.
We understand that the RecruitiFi platform may be new to your company, which is why the following explanation clarifies why we cannot sign offline paper contracts or amendments.
Two-sided platforms create efficiency through standardization
RecruitiFi is a technology platform that streamlines the agency recruiting process, serving a global community of employers and agencies. Similar to other successful two-sided platforms like Uber, Airbnb, or eBay, RecruitiFi uses standardized terms and processes to create efficiency at scale.
A standardized set of rules allows our engineers to build technology that processes tens of thousands of daily transactions (e.g., JobCast postings, candidate submissions, hires, invoices, etc.) without confusion. Without this standardization, it would be impossible to track or process these transactions efficiently.
Fair terms for both employers and agencies
At RecruitiFi, both employers and agencies are equally our clients. We receive no compensation unless both sides of the marketplace are functioning smoothly, which is why we’ve worked with the legal teams of major employers and large recruiting agencies to create fair terms for both sides.
While the RecruitiFi terms may not match your company’s contract word for word, they are designed to address the key issues of agency recruiting relationships while adapting them for the digital age.
Changes to the terms
In rare cases, language provided by an employer or agency that benefits all users may be incorporated into the terms. If so, all users are notified by email with a clear explanation of the changes.
This is standard procedure for online services. If individual changes were made to separate contracts, it would create conflicting agreements, making it impossible to notify users of updates or changes.
Tags: contract, terms, agreement, amendment, amend, negotiate, signed, signature, legal