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How do I reject agency ownership of a candidate?
How do I reject agency ownership of a candidate?

If a candidate is not eligible for agency ownership, follow these steps

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Written by RecruitiFi
Updated over a month ago

Though the RecruitiFi system automatically checks if a candidate is eligible for agency ownership, it is still possible that you may want to reject a candidate for this reason.

In order for ownership to be rejected, you must have had communication from the candidate to your company in the 180 days preceding their presentation in RecruitiFi. Communication may be an email from the candidate, a message through another system, or the submission of an application.

Please note that if you have reached out to a potential candidate and they never responded, this does not merit ownership rejection. Similarly, the existence of the candidate in your ATS is not a reason for agency ownership rejection.

If this criteria is met, you can select the checkbox "Reject agency ownership eligibility' when you are rejecting the candidate's application. If you do not do this and the candidate is ultimately hired, you may owe a fee.

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